3301 News Items Found
June 18, 2020
The Rage Unifying Boomers and Gen Z
The protests of the 1960s represented a revolution of rising expectations; today’s activists are struggling to gain a foothold, fellow Allen Matusow stated. Despite the enormous differences, they may ultimately prove united by the magnitude of the change they impose. Matusow, a historian and the academic director of the Baker Institute, is the author of “The Unraveling of America,” a seminal history of the U.S. during the 1960s.
Read more at The Atlantic.
June 16, 2020
TX Cities Consider Shifting Some Police Funds to Social Services
Conflicts between black communities and police forces can be traced back to slavery, said drug policy fellow Katharine Neill Harris. Distrust has persisted across generations, through the Jim Crow era, the civil rights era in the 1950s and 1960s, and into modern policing tactics that disproportionately target black communities. Neill Harris is the Alfred C. Glassell, III, Fellow in Drug Policy.
Read more at the Texas Tribune.