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5 Results
Flooding from Hurricane Harvey
The Houston Plan for Flood Damage Reduction
To reduce future flood damage, Houston needs a plan that features a strong vision focused on living with flooding, excellent information on flooding risks and safety concerns, and action on protecting residents' lives and livelihoods, Rice faculty scholar Jim Blackburn writes in an issue brief.
Jim Blackburn November 12, 2018
Two business partners shake hands.
The Rhetoric and Reality of Religious Reform in Egypt and Saudi Arabia
The current leaders of Egypt and Saudi Arabia are trying to assert much more political control over their respective country's religious institutions. The lesson both regimes seem to have taken away from the Arab upheavals is not the necessity of pluralism, but instead the need for more regimentation, hierarchy, control, and exclusion.
Nathan Brown August 27, 2018
Oil rig at night
Will Pemex Remain “First Among Equals” Under Mexico’s Upcoming Petroleum Legislation?
Under proposed legislation to implement Mexico’s energy reforms, Pemex will remain a privileged state operator supporting exploration and production in most of the country's proven onshore and shallow water fields. It is not known if energy reform will effectively turn Pemex into a firm able to compete without policy bias against private investors.
Isidro Morales June 13, 2014