
The Baker Institute Executive Policy Research Program is an intensive three-month training series led by globally recognized policy leaders.

The program delves into critical elements of policymaking, encompassing rigorous evaluation, astute analysis, and effective communication techniques employed by industry experts. Participants walk away with the ability to drive tangible change within domestic and international governments and across industry sectors as they put their expertise, research, and experience in action.

Program Benefits

Participants will come away with: 1) instruction in policy research, analysis, and dissemination, 2) a tailored project deliverable and dissemination plan with personalized consultation with world-renowned policy experts, and 3) a network of like-minded, influential professionals.

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Through interactive discussions, case studies, and hands-on exercises, participants will gain a solid foundation in policy analysis and evaluation. They will be equipped to identify, assess, and communicate policy solutions that address complex societal challenges, making them well-prepared for careers in public policy, government, advocacy, or research.

The Executive Policy Research Program seminars include:

  1. Introduction to Public Policy: Delve into the foundations of public policy and understand its evolution, significance, and role in society. Analyze the interplay between politics, economics, and social factors in shaping public policies.
  2. Macroeconomic Principles: Explore the essential principles of macroeconomics and their relevance to public policy. Gain insights into economic indicators, fiscal and monetary policy, and their implications for policy formulation and evaluation.
  3. Identifying Public Policy Problems and Selecting Relevant Data: Learn how to identify pressing societal issues and select appropriate data sources and methodologies for rigorous analysis. Emphasize the importance of evidence-based policymaking.
  4. Recognizing Key Stakeholders: Investigate the intricate web of stakeholders in the policy arena, from government agencies and advocacy groups to the private sector and the general public. Understand their diverse interests and influence on policy outcomes.
  5. Assessing the Policy Landscape: Develop the skills to assess the current policy landscape, including existing regulations, policies, and their effectiveness. Examine the role of historical context in shaping contemporary policy challenges.
  6. Evaluation: Policy Mapping and Solutions: Dive deep into policy evaluation techniques, including policy mapping, impact assessment, and cost-benefit analysis. Explore methods to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of policies.
  7. Policy Implementation and Challenges: Consider how financial and administrative resources along with ethical implications influence policy options. Learn to identify crucial processes for ensuring policy success and sustainability while formulating evidence-based recommendations by interpreting multiple variables.
  8. Communicating the Value of Your Policy: Master the art of effective policy communications. Develop persuasive strategies to convey policy recommendations to diverse audiences, including policymakers, stakeholders, and the public.


Each seminar is led by a member of the Baker Institute team. This group of world-renowned experts showcases a remarkable diversity of backgrounds, featuring an esteemed diplomat, seasoned public finance professionals, a former White House science advisor and physicist, experienced medical doctors, an accomplished nonprofit executive, and attorney. Together, they provide a wealth of knowledge and expertise to enhance our participants’ experience.

How to Apply

Program Details

Fall 2024 session: Sept 10 – Dec 3
The deadline to apply for the Fall 2024 program is Aug 19, 2024
Fall 2024 tuition: $7,500

Apply Today

Selection Process

The Baker Institute takes pride in its commitment to excellence and seeks to attract the most promising and passionate individuals in the field. The selection process is designed to identify candidates who not only demonstrate exceptional potential but also exhibit a strong dedication to making a meaningful impact on public policy. 

Here's an overview of our rigorous selection process:

  1. Application Submission
    Prospective candidates are required to submit a comprehensive application that includes their academic qualifications, relevant experience, and statement of purpose. This initial step serves as an introduction to the candidate's background and motivations.
  2. Initial Screening
    All applications are meticulously evaluated by a panel of experts within our program. During this stage, we assess candidates for their academic achievements, professional experience, and alignment with the program's objectives.
  3. Director’s Review
    All candidates will be reviewed and approved by the director of the institute, Ambassador David M. Satterfield.
  4. Admission Offer
    After careful deliberation, a select group of candidates is offered admission into our highly competitive policy research program. These individuals have demonstrated not only academic excellence but also a genuine passion for public policy and a strong potential to thrive in our rigorous academic environment.

Our selection process is highly competitive. We welcome the diversity of backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives our program attracts and believe that by admitting the most exceptional candidates, we create a vibrant and dynamic learning community that fosters innovation, collaboration, and transformative thinking in the realm of public policy

Learn More

Apply Now

Complete the registration form to be contacted by one of our program advisors.

Contact Us

For specific questions or partnership opportunities, please contact program director Victoria Jupp.

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Loan signing
Professionals gather around a large table with laptops, printed documents and coffee cups for a business meeting


    What are the steps to apply?

    Applications are currently open. The Fall 2024 program application period is open until August 19, 2024.

    Apply Today

    Applicants will include a professional CV/resume, demographic and contact information. A one-page statement of purpose will include the applicant’s policy problem. 

    Statement of purpose (SOP)
    Applicants must identify and submit a one-page policy problem they wish to explore throughout the program.

    How long is the program?

    Participants meet regularly from 12:00–2:00PM, once a week, for twelve weeks.  

    What project will I work on throughout the program? What mentorship and professional development opportunities will I receive throughout the program?

    In your application, you will propose a policy question that is applicable to your organization/research background. Throughout the program, you will gain skills to produce a high-quality, publishable policy brief. A policy advisor will provide substantive feedback on your project. You will also have opportunities to meet with leaders in Rice University’s Public Affairs and our communications department. 

    Who should apply for the program?

    The program is designed to train mid- to senior-level professionals from all professional backgrounds to translate data and innovation into communicable, impactful policy prescriptions. 

    How many participants are selected for the program?

    The Fall 2024 cohort will contain no more than 20 candidates.

    How many hours a week should I commit to the program?

    The program requires 48 contact hours to complete. Hour breakdown listed below:

    48 | Total contact hours 
    20 | in-person classroom hours 
    24 | online module hours (3 hours a week)
    04 | policy brief development sessions 

    What are the benefits?

    A Certificate of Completion which demonstrates satisfactory fulfillment of training program requirements and skills.*

    A high-quality, nonpartisan policy brief developed with tools, skills, and mentorship acquired from experts at the world’s leading university-affiliated non-partisan policy research organization.

    Networking and research opportunities with Baker Institute for Public Policy experts and affiliated partners.

    * Note: Rice University’s Baker Institute Executive Policy Research Program is not offered as a Rice University academic degree program.