An investment strategy that generates financial returns while directing funds to entities providing goods and services to the poor is making headway in Latin America.
This research paper investigates the relationship between the Japan-Korea Marker (JKM) price of LNG, the price of Brent oil, and spot prices of fuel oil and thermal coal imported into Japan, South Korea, China and Taiwan.
Adbullahi Alim, Peter R. Hartley, Yihui LanNovember 3, 2015
The cumulative impacts of U.S. liquefied natural gas exports is the subject of a new Department of Energy-sponsored study co-authored by Ken Medlock, senior director of the Center for Energy Studies. The study is one of two commissioned by the DOE "to inform [the department's] decisions on applications seeking authorization to export LNG from the lower-48 states to non-free trade agreement countries."
Trade and financial shocks have worsened Latin America’s economic prospects in the past year. Latin America — and South America in particular — are expected to perform poorly into 2016.
This paper reports the key climate change and public policy issues addressed by guest speakers during the 2014-15 Climate Lecture Series hosted by the Center for Energy Studies.
Regina M. Buono, Kenneth B. Medlock III, Anna B. MikulskaSeptember 29, 2015
International economics fellow Russell Green discusses the impact of the historic Plaza Accord agreement and what it would take to duplicate its success.
This working paper is one of a series submitted for the Oct. 1, 2015, Baker Institute event "Currency Policy Then and Now: 30th Anniversary of the Plaza Accord."