An increasing number of lawful permanent U.S. residents from Mexico could lose access to their U.S. social security contributions as a result of deportation.
The authors outline a cure for a component of the U.S.-China Phase 1 Trade Agreement that requires China to purchase $50 billion of energy products in the next two years.
Steven R. Miles, Kenneth B. Medlock IIIApril 1, 2020
The authors examine recent trends in vaping, research on its effectiveness for smoking cessation, the role of industry marketing and policy responses to increased use.
Katharine Neill Harris, William MartinFebruary 28, 2020
In 2019, Energy Dialogues and the Center for Energy Studies hosted an event at which representatives from industry, academia, environmental groups and regulatory bodies focused on three themes: energy innovation, energy transitions and energy poverty. This report summarizes the day's discussions.
Using a framework based on vulnerability, risk and offsets provides valuable insights for evaluating the security of an energy system in transition, writes energy fellow Mark Finley.
This analysis explores the consequences of West Bank annexation for Israel’s international standing, internal cohesion and socio-economic fabric, and security within a larger framework of regional stability.
By Paul Lagunes, Baker Institute for Public Policy; Xiaoxuan Yang, Columbia University; and Andrés Castro, Columbia University.
Corruption is a persistent problem throughout Latin America. Higher rates of perceived corruption are associated with lower levels of economic welfare and direct foreign investment, write the authors.
Paul Lagunes, Xiaoxuan Yang, Andrés CastroJuly 8, 2019
The rising use of low-speed electric vehicles (LSEVs) in China may have a dramatic effect on local gasoline demand and therefore global oil prices, writes energy fellow Gabriel Collins.
The author applies a rigorous approach for developing a projection of growth and employment in India, concluding that the “Make in India” goals of the manufacturing sector reaching 25 percent of GDP and creating 100 million new jobs by 2022 do not appear realistic.