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397 Results
Screening patient for non-medical needs
Screening Patients for Non-Medical Needs Is Valuable Even When Clinicians Can’t Resolve Identified Needs
Medical providers are increasingly asking patients about their access to food, housing, and transportation. In this commentary, fellow Elena M. Marks explores how this type of screening for non-medical needs offers significant benefits for both patients and providers — even when providers cannot address those needs.
Elena M. Marks June 21, 2024
Sustainability Concept
Toward Sustainability: Understanding the Challenges
Organizations across the energy ecosystem are grappling to incorporate sustainability into their long-term planning and strategic visions. The Center for Energy Studies’ new sustainability initiative focuses on ways to face these challenges. This new report examines the initiative’s five objectives and provides key takeaways to develop viable sustainability strategies.
Rachel A. Meidl June 18, 2024
Solar power plant Maram
The Climate Change-Conflict-Displacement Nexus in the MENA Region
Climate change, conflict, and displacement in the Middle East North Africa (MENA) region present overlapping challenges to policymakers. This new joint report from the Edward P. Djerejian Center for the Middle East and United States Institute of Peace examines four key components — natural resources, urban fragility, gendered impacts, and international financing — and makes specific recommendations to address these complex issues.
Kelsey Norman, Ana Martín Gil, Robert Barron May 21, 2024
 Rustic Open Sign
Impact of Urban Revitalization on Small Businesses: Third Ward Survey
How do urban redevelopment and revitalization projects impact a community’s small businesses? A new report by Alisha Small, scholar for economic growth, and co-author Lebena Varghese details survey results from business owners in Houston’s Third Ward, a historically African American community experiencing economic and demographic change.
Alisha Small, Lebena Varghese May 8, 2024