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32 Results
A girl walks by a polluted stream in Cuenavaca.
Nearshoring Raises Questions About Environmental and Social Impacts in the Borderlands
Nearshoring — the outsourcing of production to another country — would increase manufacturing and further economic development across U.S.-Mexico border areas, but it also raises significant questions about environmental impacts and, ultimately, environmental justice. Both governments should begin drafting and implementing effective transboundary policies that incentivize companies to protect local communities and fragile border ecosystems from a manufacturing surge, writes research scholar Ivonne Cruz.
Ivonne Cruz September 27, 2024
Mineral mine in Latin America
Critical Minerals in Latin America
The Latin American does not stop with hydrocarbons: It extends into metals and minerals as well. The demand for critical minerals such as copper and lithium is projected to at least double by 2030. Tilsa Oré Mónago discusses the role of South America in responding to the growing demand for critical minerals in light of clean energy transition plans, as well as the challenges to be faced in doing so.
Tilsa Oré Mónago August 22, 2024
 Political debate in european parliament
Does the EU’s Exit From the Energy Charter Treaty Foreshadow the Demise of ISDS?
The EU’s withdrawal from the Energy Charter Treaty may foreshadow an eventual end to investor-state dispute settlement (ISDI) — a legal mechanism that permits foreign investors to sue a country over actions that harm their investments. A report by fellow David A. Gantz outlines the history of ISDI provisions in global trade agreements and examines what ISDI’s end might mean for the future of investment and trade in the U.S., EU, and other nations.
David A. Gantz August 20, 2024
Refugees are welcome here protest sign
Refugee Relocation Can Be a Positive Experience
While many countries are reluctant to accept and integrate refugees, Mexico and Brazil have established effective ways to welcome and absorb refugees through relocation programs. In her new brief, nonresident scholar Elizabeth Ferris outlines how these initiatives promote a win-win scenario by finding solutions that not only enhance refugee protection and well-being but also cater to domestic labor needs.
Elizabeth Ferris March 15, 2024
Challenging ‘the Colossus of the North’: Mexico, Celac, and the Implications of Replacing the Organization of American States with a New Regional Security Organization
With Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador pushing for the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) to replace the Organization of American States (OAS), which the U.S. currently dominates, the future of security relations in the Western Hemisphere is in question. This paper assesses four possible future scenarios and offers policy recommendations for a reimagined OAS.
Richard J. Kilroy, Jr. May 31, 2022