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58 Results
Commission listening to testimony
Testimony to the US House Committee on Energy and Commerce
In her recent testimony at the U.S. House Committee on Energy and Commerce’s Hearing on “Securing America’s Critical Materials Supply Chains and Economic Leadership,” fellow Michelle Michot Foss emphasized that while technology can help improve commercial recovery of key minerals and metals and recycling can contribute to incremental supply, advanced materials hold promise for leapfrogging mining and metals challenges.
Michelle Michot Foss June 21, 2024
Sustainability Concept
Toward Sustainability: Understanding the Challenges
Organizations across the energy ecosystem are grappling to incorporate sustainability into their long-term planning and strategic visions. The Center for Energy Studies’ new sustainability initiative focuses on ways to face these challenges. This new report examines the initiative’s five objectives and provides key takeaways to develop viable sustainability strategies.
Rachel A. Meidl June 18, 2024
Healthy senior
Boosting Brain Health in Later Life
On Dec. 8, 2023, the American Association of Geriatric Psychiatry (AAGP) and Baker Institute held their first Brain Health Summit. Baker Institute Fellow Harris A. Eyre joined experts from AAGP and beyond for a broad-ranging discussion about reducing dementia risks through modifiable lifestyle factors and how treating mental disorders in the young — alongside stress reduction training — can limit brain health issues in later life.
Helen Lavretsky, Harris A. Eyre, Dilip V. Jeste January 11, 2024