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179 Results
Energy Insights 2024
Latin American Oil Production: A Rosy Outlook, for a Change
After seven years of steady decline and an accumulated drop of 25%, Latin America’s crude oil production has recovered by more than 9% over the past two years, thanks to significant growth in Guyana and Brazil and smaller increases in Argentina and Venezuela. Francisco J. Monaldi walks us through these developments and what could be ahead for the region.
Francisco J. Monaldi August 22, 2024
Voter holds envelope in hand above vote ballot
How Will Gaza and Ukraine Shape the 2024 US Presidential Election?
Two specific issues — the Russia-Ukraine war and the Israel-Hamas war — have propelled foreign policy to the forefront of this year’s election. Both conflicts are ongoing and have severely tested Biden and his foreign policy team, and ahead of November, Biden has little room for error.
Joe Barnes June 17, 2024