Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy is a leading source of expert analysis and commentary on a range of critical public policy issues facing Texas, the U.S., and the world. Learn more about our resources for media.

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93 Results
Meeting Armenia’s Diplomatic Corps
At the invitation of Armenia’s Foreign Minister, Edward Nalbandian, Ambassador Edward P. Djerejian addressed the Republic of Armenia’s diplomatic personnel on U.S., foreign policy and conflict resolution at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Yerevan, Armenia, on May 25, 2017.
Edward P. Djerejian June 6, 2017
BIPP to study POTUS election process
The Baker Institute for Public Policy has become the nation’s first think tank to establish a program dedicated solely to the study of U.S. presidential campaigns and elections. The newly created Baker Institute Presidential Elections Program will offer timely analysis and provide voters, candidates and political parties with a better understanding of the quickly changing dynamics of presidential electoral politics.
November 3, 2016
Rethinking drug policy in Houston & Harris County
The November 2016 elections brought significant changes to drug policies in Houston and Harris County, particularly with regard to marijuana, and may lead to changes in other major Texas cities. Dean Becker, a Drug Policy Program contributing expert and host of radio programs aired on more than 70 stations throughout the nation, interviewed principal figures involved in these changes, both before and after the election. MP3 recordings and transcripts of these interviews, along with hundreds of others gathered over 15 years, are available on the Drug Truth Archive on the Drug Policy Program website.
June 23, 2016